Press Release

AI Voice & ChatGPT Content Creation Tools: Marketing & Advertising Report Launch

The new report examines AI tools such as ChatGPT and Lensa AI, discussing how recent advancements provide revolutionary opportunities for creatives across sectors. While early feedback suggests an undercurrent of excitement over the tools, the surveyed experts emphasized the importance of ethical development.

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For the new guide, Voices surveyed hundreds of professionals across creative industries – from social media managers to video producers – ascertaining the current feeling now that the latest generative AI programs have been used by businesses for months.

The World Economic Forum categorizes generative AI as algorithms that produce new outputs based on their training data. This technology is rapidly evolving to assist creative tasks. Advancements in generative AI saw massive growth this year – with tools like ChatGPT, which can generate human-like text, breaking user adoption records.

The Voices report found two-thirds of survey respondents believe these AI tools will ultimately create more creative jobs. By automating repetitive tasks, humans are freed to focus on higher-value work. Audio transcription, photo editing, and social media scheduling are among the roles thought to be at risk. However, 77% think AI will enhance, not replace, human creativity.

Age impacted opinions on AI’s risk. One-third of 18-34-year-olds expressed concern that AI could make their roles obsolete. This dropped to 20% among 35-44-year-olds, suggesting veteran creatives are less worried about replacement. Overall, most saw the technology as a collaborative tool to boost efficiency.

While excited by the promise, ethical concerns surfaced around AI training data. Some datasets use artists’ work without permission or compensation. As development accelerates, unregulated training practices raise questions around attribution. The report poses questions as to who should be credited when AIs are trained on vast volumes of human creations – and calls for ethics to be prioritized as the technology advances.

A spokesperson for Voices states: “Conversations are growing louder about generative AI and what it means for artists and creators. Applications like ChatGPT and Lensa AI have pushed this technology into the mainstream, opening the doors to a new era of content creation.”

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