Press Release

Fragasso Financial Advisors Launches New White Paper: “Time for a Budget Refresh”

Fragasso Financial Advisors, a leading Pittsburgh wealth management firm, has just unveiled a timely and invaluable white paper titled “Time for a Budget Refresh.” This release comes at a pivotal moment when the effects of inflation are creating notable challenges for households and individuals alike.

Over the past eighteen months, inflation has taken center stage in financial conversations worldwide. Many are experiencing its impact firsthand, facing tangible strains on their finances due to significant price hikes. To find inflation figures comparable to today’s, one would need to journey back to the 1980s.

Recognizing the urgent need for financial guidance in these testing times, Fragasso Financial Advisors’ white paper comes equipped with a complimentary fillable cash-flow worksheet. This practical tool aims to aid readers in constructing and optimizing their budgets to better navigate this inflationary landscape.

Personal finance is inherently dynamic, reflecting the uniqueness of individual circumstances and ever-evolving life priorities. A static, unchanging budget simply doesn’t do justice to the fluidity of personal financial trajectories. Regularly refreshing one’s budget stands as an empowering act, allowing individuals to remain at the helm of their financial journey and actively engage with emerging opportunities. This periodic revisiting serves as a financial compass, ensuring alignment with current life situations. By committing to frequent budget updates, individuals are better positioned to foresee shifts, make essential pivots, and consistently steer towards their financial aspirations.

For those interested in gaining insights and practical solutions to the current inflation challenges, the white paper “Time for a Budget Refresh” is available for download on the Fragasso Financial Advisors website:

Investment advice offered by investment advisor representatives through Fragasso Financial Advisors, a registered investment advisor.

About Fragasso Financial Advisors

Fragasso Financial Advisors is a Pittsburgh-based financial advisory firm that has been providing personalized financial planning and investment management services to individuals and businesses since 1972. With a focus on long-term relationships and a commitment to providing the highest level of service, Fragasso Financial Advisors is dedicated to helping clients pursue their financial goals.

Media Contact

Company Name
Fragasso Financial Advisors
Contact Name
Marsha Posset
610 Smithfield St #400
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United States

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