Press Release

Jersey City Long Distance Movers: DIY & Professional Unpacking Report Announced

Although research suggests that the average person will move up to a dozen times in their life, it is also considered one of the most stressful ordinary life events. This new report from helps to keep the entire process organized and reduces the risks of breaking or losing important possessions.

More information about packing and unpacking, hiring a professional moving company, and staying organized during a move can be found in the full report, at

To reduce stress and keep everything organized, the new report suggests that additional time should be scheduled for each phase of the move. This will allow time for extra steps to be added to the process, which will help to keep individual items and rooms separately organized.

While suggests scheduling additional time for these steps, they also suggest that this can reduce the overall amount of time needed, by eliminating time spent searching for lost objects or moving boxes from one room to another. This process begins during the packing stage when readers are advised to label each box, pack like items together, and only pack items from one room per box.

To pack an entire house efficiently, the report advises completing one room at a time, until the entire house is packed. The same process in reverse is suggested for unpacking, and the report provides a list of which rooms should be unpacked first, based on which rooms and possessions are most likely to be needed in the immediate future.

To ensure that no items are lost or misplaced along the way, the report suggests creating an itemized list for the entire house, which describes where an item came from, and which box it is in. By referring to this list during unpacking, users can quickly determine if any items are missing, and where they may have been packed.

The report also includes a tool that can be used to estimate the rates for professional packing, unpacking, or moving services, using trusted local specialists. By filling in a simple form with details about their moving requirements, users can get up to 7 no-cost estimates from local moving companies, with no obligation.

More information about professional packing and unpacking services, the rate estimator tool, and local moving companies can be found at
+1 866 343 1243
1596 U.S. 130

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