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Now More Than Ever People are Concerned with Their Health, Starts with Good Food


Especially as we find ourselves facing the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, health is on the public’s mind more than ever. Whether it’s protection from disease in the form of a vaccine, or protecting oneself with manual methods used throughout lockdown, everybody has their own health and safety on their minds. And much like the importance of wearing a mask and social distancing, armouring ourselves with a strong immune system and healthy body is just as crucial.

The truth is, the old adage “we are what we eat” is more than just a saying, but more of a phrase filled with incredible accuracy. In order to keep ourselves healthy, we need to be sure that we are filling our bodies with the healthiest food available to us.

As you grace the grocery aisles, looking to find ingredients for your next healthy meal, it’s always the fresh produce that we gravitate toward first. Fruits, vegetables, beans and legumes–we trust that these ground and tree-grown bounties of nature are filled with the nutrients and vitamins that they are supposed to be. What if there was an agricultural technology that could bring out the best in the crops it irrigated?

Fortunately, the future of farming is closer to the present than ever. We have discovered that with this Harvest Harmonics’ Kyminasi Plant BoosterTM, every day that passes gets us closer to the grocery aisle shelves being stocked with only the best of what each piece of food has to offer.

One of the many benefits of using the Kyminasi Plant BoosterTM is that the frequencies that travel from the technology to the plants help them become more nutritionally dense and grow to their fullest potential. Without the use of chemicals and harmful farming methods, Harvest Harmonics is achieving farmer’s goals of full, hearty and healthy crops to fruition.

With 30 years of research done by Independent Swiss Researcher Fulvio Balmelli, Kyminasi TechnologyTM was born to change the landscape of the farming industry. The use of this organic farming-friendly method is helping farmers improve their farms, while making the food on the public’s plates as healthy as possible.

Harvest Harmonics int
Harvest Harmonics int
611 Druid Rd STE 201,

United States

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